LISCA History

Our Conductor

Richard Foley is a retired music teacher and is currently music director at St. James RC Church in Setauket.

Our Members

We have a diverse membership of approximately seventy adults, which is open to anyone who qualifies musically. We work hard and seriously on the music, but we also enjoy our rehearsals and one another.


Relax! We want you - or we wouldn’t be holding auditions. You will be asked to sight-read a passage from standard choral literature and repeat some tone patterns to determine your sight-reading ability, the quality and range of your voice, and your ability to follow the conductor. The auditioners are sympathetic and understand you may be nervous. Don’t worry if you make mistakes. If you do join us, and sit out a season or more, you'll have a modified audition on your return.


LISCA rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 at Three Village Church, in Setauket. Very occasionally we have extra Saturday rehearsals, or extended rehearsals to 10 pm if there is a need. Consistent attendance is very important. Any member who has missed more than three rehearsals during a season, in preparation for a concert, will need to speak to the Music Director. Our rehearsals are devoted to both learning and interpretation. All works are sung in the original languages; you will be coached in the languages at rehearsal. We occasionally have optional sectional rehearsals for note-learning, during which members may specify the passages for which they need help.

Music Dues Concert Attire The LISCA Board Member Responsibilities

Each singer purchases his or her own music, which is available at rehearsal.


Currently $100 per year, payable by October 1. No qualified person will be refused membership because of inability to pay dues. A brief, confidential conversation with LISCA’s president will take care of any special needs.

Concert Attire

Women: Ankle-length black skirt and long-sleeved black top with jewel neckline, or black choral gown. Black shoes and stockings, pearls or pearl-like necklace.

Men: Tuxedo, white shirt, black shoes, bow tie, and cummerbund. Occasionally we will wear more casual all-black attire.

All: Black music folder.

The LISCA Board

Laura Matturro (President), Stephanie Messana (Vice-President), David Winchell (Treasurer,) Mona Shupp (Recording Secretary,) Joann Elefterion (Corresponding Secretary.) Members-at-large: Luci Betti-Nash, Joseph Dyro, Maurice Kemp, Ron Pace, Sue Pace, and Monica Winchell

Member Responsibilities

Since LISCA is a not-for-profit organization, we rely on members for help with the following activities:

Concert ticket sales (much of LISCA’s revenue comes from this effort.)

  • Advertisement sales for concert programs.
  • Musical evening benefits.
  • Spring benefits
  • Any additional fundraising efforts.